Readers’ Corner









Dear Brother & Sister Samojluk,

Just a note to again express that your continued ministry is very appreciated.
God bless your faithfulness to His honor and glory,

–Audrey & Jim in Montana


“Nic, I have admired your ministry calling the Adventists to integrity for several years. In fact, I contacted you and used your material in an article about Adventists and abortion in 2014 in our magazine Proclamation! You can access the article here:

[Colleen Tinker]


A prophetic voice in Adventism

Dear Nic!

I praise God for the prophetic voice you have been in Adventism all these years in the face of ridicule and exclusion. Thank you, Nic. I know it’s been a seemingly hopeless task God has assigned you, but you have stayed the course.

I also praise God for our one-pointed, courageous, sometimes brash and over-the-line young brother, Andrew Michel, who may be the cause of many annoying phone calls to headquarters. He also is a prophetic voice in Adventism, I believe.
We walk by faith. Amen.



Hi Nic,

I hope you remember that a while back I asked if you would please do an interview with me.

Your contributions to the Adventist involvement in abortion are extremely valuable and it is vital that there is an audio/video interview so that people can learn more about you at the story behind your work, website, and books.

God willing I would like to visit Loma Linda sometime this year and do an interview…approximately 45 minutes to an hour. I will be making a video previous to this interview and inviting questions from viewers because there are many people who are curious to know who you are. I also think this interview would be a big boost to your work and this cause.

By God’s grace, I look forward to meeting you again later this year.


“I am so proud of Nic for devoting most of his life fighting this do-do.”

Jack Priest


” Hard to disagree with the indictment of our leaders after such a great effort to awaken them. BTW, Andrew is not the only one attempting to reach the SDA leaders. Nic has been faithfully at it for many years with little positive response. Nic hasn’t made videos but he has written books, developed an online blog site, responded to many on the various SDA forums, spoken up at the LLU SS,s, and contacted many church leaders.” [Doug Yowell]



“Oh! Doug! thank you for correcting me on this, I was in NO WAY meaning to forget all the work, HARD WORK and SACRIFICE of his own TIME & $$$, that Nic Samojluk has put into this project of turning the SHIP around from its course of EVERLASTING DESTRUCTION that it seems bent on carrying out!

I so much appreciate Nic’s work…I have his book and it is something every faithful SDA should have in their library. I didn’t include Nic, because to my knowledge he’s not a “leader” in the church, is he? He’s a layman like you and me…for that matter, I guess ProLife Andrew is a laymen, too…. So basically, it comes down to the LAYMEN~the SHEEP, who are trying to save the day! It’s not going to work though…no matter how hard we try….as HISTORY REPEATS itself…

I see no examples in History where the LAYMEN were able to turn the SHIP around…. Their answer to us today is the same as it was in Jesus’ day when the man Jesus healed of blindness tried to open their eyes ~ ” Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out.” John 9:34. Likewise, will everyone who speaks up be “cast out of the synagogue”….that was EXACTLY why the parents of the Blind Man who Jesus healed were afraid to speak the TRUTH…because they knew if they did, they would be EXCOMMUNICATED…and they were right! When the Blind Man spoke the TRUTH ~ what did those RELIGIOUS LEADERS of the day do???? They quickly EXCOMMUNICATED him!

So today, any who DARES speak the TRUTH will soon be cast out of the Church. Hence, that is WHY all these ministers and ministries are like DUMB DOGS that don’t bark…because their connection to the CHURCH is more important to them than their connection to GOD & the TRUTH.” [Tammy Roesch]



Hi Nic. I’ve been following your work since 2011 and have 2 copies of your book which I regularly share with fellow SDAs. It still amazes me how many SDAs are completely unaware of this apostasy.The corporate church as gone to great lengths to hide this issue likely due to the outrage it would cause if more people were aware. [jonathan3121]


Thank you, Nic, for the most excellent work you have done over the years advocating for the unborn. And you have done it with grace and dignity. I know you opened my eyes several years ago with your historical account of how abortion became instituted at Castle and spread quickly to the West Coast

The problem is obvious. Abortion is used as birth control. Hundreds of thousands a year in our “highly civilized” country. Only a tiny fraction of pregnancies involve rape or incest or endanger the mother’s life. Anybody who inserts that tiny fraction of cases into this discussion is only making a pathetic attempt to distract and to cloud the water. Just being a pain.

Adventists are performing abortions of convenience on a regular basis. Adventists are getting rich off of this pagan barbaric birth control. Adventists highly favor pro-abortion Democrats and continue to vote them into power, (see Roe v. Wade). Adventists are building grandiose, sparkling new facilities with dazzling facades, while the aborted get shuffled out the back doors in trash cans.

Sometimes I’m downright ashamed to be SAD, I mean, SDA.
But I am thankful Nic and his voice of truth is SDA. [BB Yeaton]





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