
Walter VeithA Question for Dr. Walter Veith

Dr. Walter J. Veith,

I just finished watching your interview with Bruce Jenkings and must say that I am impressed with the clarity with which you explain your doctrinal position, especially your accurate view of the true meaning of the term “Remnant” as it relates to the Adventist doctrines. []

Unlike your personal experience, I am a second generation Adventist, and I grew up with the conviction that the “Remnant” will be integrated by those who remain faithful to Jesus and all Ten of God’s Commandments, instead of only Nine or less. …



 Redemption in Spite of the Cross: My View About the Cross and God’s Forgiveness

One of the most enigmatic questions connected with the Christian faith is: Why did Jesus die? The most common answer is: He offered his life that we might have forgiveness for our sins. He paid the penalty for our sin and rebellion. This answer contains a precious kernel of truth, but it does not tell the entire story of redemption, and it threatens to blame God for the death of Jesus. Why not consider that we have access to forgiveness and redemption in spite of the cross? …



Elder Ted Wilson’s Appeal for Unity

“The following video is of Elder Ted Wilson on Sunday, July 29th, at the Columbia Union Conference’s 2012 Special Constituency Meeting. The special meeting was called in regards to the motion of authorizing ordinations without regard to gender. Elder Wilson addressed the meeting before the vote. He appealed for unity and encouraged the delegates to wait for the new church study on this issue, which is scheduled to be completed in 2014. Using secret ballots, delegates passed the motion with 209 in favor, 51 opposed, and 9 abstentions.”


My View on Unity & Uniformity

For several decades now the Adventist Church has been involved in a never ending debate over the issue of gender discrimination regarding women’s ordination. The main bone of contention has been over whether uniformity is a requisite for church unity. Can we have true unity without doctrinal uniformity? Can the church function with unity on essentials and diversity on peripheral issues?



“Lying for God,” a Book Review. In his introduction to the sixth edition of the book, “Lying for God,” Kerry Wynne argues that “A chain of bomb-shell revelations regarding the deceptions of Adventism rocked the Seventh-day Adventist Church between 1974 and 1990, destroying any factual basis for the three pillar doctrines of Adventism.”

Of course, he is referring to the discovery of what some Adventists knew all along regarding the 1919 Bible Conference which dealt with A. Ellen White dependency on the work of other authors, B. the 2300 day prophecy, and C. the change of the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday. More: ===>


A Fundamental Omission in our Adventist Fundamental Beliefs. Why would anybody suggest that there is a fundamental omission in our Fundamental Beliefs document? Isn’t the list of 28 Fundamental Beliefs quite comprehensive and rather exhaustive? Is it possible that we have missed an extremely important doctrine from said list of beliefs? I believe that such is the case. Let me start with an anecdote in order to illustrate my point. More: ===>


Russia warns Israel not to attack Iran. When I read the following dire warning issued by Gennady Gatilov directed at Israel and the United States about the seriousness of an attack against Iran, I immediately remembered the prophetic predictions found in Ezekiel, chapter 36 though 38. First, take a look at Russia’s warning, and then condider some of the salient points contained in said biblical chapters: More: ===>


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