Posted by: adventlife | February 9, 2012

Counterfeit E. White Books in China, by Nic Samojluk

Today I received and email from Jeffrey and Monica Sonnentag alerting me about a recent video posted by Pastor David Kang describing how our Ellen White books are being sold inChina. The problem is that the content of said books has been apparently altered in many places in order to reflect Catholic doctrinal teachings. A good example is the reference to the creation where Sunday is presented as the day the Lord rested following his creative work. This type of glaring and daring counterfeit is almost unbelievable, but Pastor Kang has the damning evidence in his possession.

One thing is the failure to acknowledge one’s sources, which is what Mrs. White was criticized for, but another thing is to publish her books bearing her name, but with the content altered to suit her critics and enemies. This type of criminal behavior is contemptible and should be investigated and penalized. Of course, what can you expect fromChinawhere all kinds of legally protected merchandize is being illegally produced, sold, and exported!

In the “Great Controversy” book, for example, the Jesuits are described in glowing terms as successful evangelists instead of “the most cruel, unscrupulous,” religious manipulators who had no moral problem using lies and deception in order to advance and restore the supremacy of the Roman Pontiff. The video lasts about half and hour and the content is impressive, well documented, and alarming for Adventists. If you haven’t watched it yet, I suggest that you take the time to listen to what Pastor Kang has to say about this. Here is the link for the video and another link to the comments of someone else who took the time to watch it.



  1. This news story and the folloing comments were transferred from

    I received the following comment from one of the readers:

    “Wow! Hadn’t heard about that! Amazing!”

    Tammy Roesch

  2. December 9, 2011 at 11:30 AM

    I received the following comments from John:

    Hi Nic,
    How are you? I read the email and it seems there is a real “conspiracy” about. This should keep the keepers of the SDA religion busy. My first question is why? There is usually a reason for distorted history. As far as the Jesuits, they were successful evangelists. Of course you condemn them which is consistent with SDA paranoia that the Catholics are and always will be boogeymen.

    With regards to evangelism I like the Catholics. Why? They never bother me! Its only the SDA’s, Jehovahs Witnesses and Mormons that invade my neighborhood with their usual blather. Indeed the past of Roman Catholicism is an attempt to spread the teachings of the church. In the 21st century the Catholics to me, take the position, “we are here” and if you want to know more about us, come and find out. I have no quarrel with the Catholic religion and the wars of the past were par for the course as they are to be taken within the context of the ancient history.

    In the end Nick I would not get my nickers to much in a twist. Small religions competing with the larger ones always need an enemy. The enemy is conveniently the Catholic Church.


    John Buchholz

  3. December 9, 2011 at 12:23 PM


    I am fine, thank you! Jesuits might have been successful evangelists and they may not have bothered you, but they did bother others so much that they were kicked out of Argentina, France, China and from other countries.
    Pastor Kang criticized the Chinese not simply for publishing Ellen White books without permission from the White Estate, but for altering their content with the aim of deceiving the Chinese public. This is wrong in any language.
    This kind of deception would not have worked in the U.S. because the American public knows that the Sabbath found in Genesis corresponds to Saturday—not Sunday.

    Pastor Kang blames the Jesuits for this kind of piracy based on the past behavior of this Catholic order. In this case the conspiracy is so blatant even a blind man would see what was done.


  4. December 9, 2011 at 12:31 PM

    Here is another comment from Jean-Paul:

    Thx, Nic, for this update!

    Having lived in China for over 6 years (2002-2009), I can attest to the reality of cheating and stealing and lying that is going on in China as we speak!
    In China, nothing is sacred anymore, anything goes, just to make a buck or two.

    Some of my then-students were telling me how proud their parents are of working in the CD/DVD ‘piracy’ business.

    I couldn’t believe it, but learned to accept it as a fact.

    So yes, Pastor Kang is absolutely right.

    As to doing something about it, I am NOT sure what one can do:
    cheating and stealing and lying is so deep-seated in the Chinese psyche and culture.

    Thx again for sharing your concerns,

  5. December 11, 2011 at 6:46 PM

    Here is a follow-up comment from John:

    Hi Nic,

    I read your reply. How do you “know” it was the Jesuits who altered the content? In China plagiarism and altered content are legion in that culture. Anyway, anyone who wants to know the “truth” can always contact the White Estate. If one digs enough into SDA or Mormon “truth” the question of whether these “prophets” needed a sedative or not becomes a reasonable inquiry.



  6. December 11, 2011 at 6:50 PM


    Good question. The one who attributed this counterfeit work to Jesuits was Pastor David Kang. I wrote to him at the email listed on his web site, but the email came back undelivered.

    I did read the book of Mormon many years ago and I was not impressed. There is no way to verify the authenticity of those allegedly historical accounts.

    I also had the privilege of attending one of their evangelistic meetings in Argentina. We were canvassing one summer; there was no Adventist church in town, so we decided to visit the Mormon Church.

    We sat in the back, and no sooner the meeting was over, we got up and left, but one of their young members stopped us on our way out and invited us to their social meeting. There were games and refreshments, and we were treated like kings.

    This left a profound impression on us. Had we been permanent residents of that town, and had we been looking for a church, we might have joined them because of their friendly attitude.

    Regarding Ellen White, I don’t how many of her books you have read. I had the privilege of reading the majority of her books, and I got the impression that she really believed in what she was writing.

    I do not condone her failure to credit her sources, of course, but the content of books like “Steps to Christ,” “The Desire of Ages,” “Acts of the Apostles,” “Prophets and Kings,” and “The Great Controversy” is inspiring and uplifting.

    I do not place them on par with Scripture, but they seem to be excellent Christian literature.

  7. December 11, 2011 at 6:55 PM

    Here is additional information I discovered from the Internet:

    “Light for Life Ministry was founded 17 years ago by Pastor David Kang, an ordained Seventh-day Adventist minister. Pastor Kang was born and raised as an Adventist in Korea. He earned a theology degree at the Korean Adventist College and came to the United States in 1975 to continue his studies at the Adventist Seminary at Andrews University. He had served as a pastor for 15 years in the denomination until 1989 and is currently working as a television evangelist. He was strongly impressed with the calling to start a ministry for the Asian people, to preach the Three Angels Messages in these last days.”

  8. December 11, 2011 at 6:59 PM

    The following is a comment posted by Elder Fagal from the White Estate on another Adventist web site:

    Re: Chinese Counterfeit the Great Controversy
    « Reply #1 on: October 17, 2011, 06:49:34 AM »

    I made an inquiry to Elder Fagal at the EGW Estate. Here is his response:

    Dear Sister,

    Good to hear from you again! We have made inquiry about this with the Adventist leadership that deals with China, and they do not have an ongoing concern. There were some books that were modified and published, but according to sources in China, the perpetrators have been caught and the church members there have been informed of the problem, so they know about the tainted books. We have no information here that Jesuits were involved in the counterfeiting, as reports had claimed.
    I hope this may help. Thank you for writing, and God bless!

    William Fagal
    Associate Director
    Ellen G. White Estate
    12501 Old Columbia Pike
    Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600 U.S.A.

  9. December 11, 2011 at 7:07 PM

    As you can see, the White Estate seems to confirm the fact of the publication of the counterfeit books but they have no evidence that Jesuits are responsible for the piracy. My question is: Who else would be interested in altering Ellen White books to suit Catholic doctrine? Of course, without solid evidence, we should not blame them for this action. To my judgment, we my consider them to be prime suspects, but they must be treated as innocents until proven otherwise.


  10. December 11, 2011 at 7:58 PM

    I am posting here some comments found in the other blog listed above:

    Re: Chinese Counterfeit the Great Controversy

    « Reply #2 on: October 18, 2011, 02:58:31 PM »

    We will try and get some copy out of the books to verify what has been reported. “they were caught”. Does that mean that the books will continue to be spread like the leaves of autumn?

  11. Re: Chinese Counterfeit the Great Controversy

    « Reply #4 on: October 18, 2011, 05:35:48 PM »

    “We have no information here that Jesuits were involved in the counterfeiting, as reports had claimed.”

    Come on people. Are they waiting for a Jesuit confession ?

    So many of our people either think the Jesuits do not exist, are not a threat, or else they are clumsy clods.

    Who would counterfeit the SOP and put in pro Jesuit phrases ? True SDA Adventists or Jesuits ?

  12. Re: Chinese Counterfeit the Great Controversy

    « Reply #5 on: October 22, 2011, 10:48:37 AM »

    The problem is not that we don’t know the Jesuits, but that there are so many who see one around every corner. It is so bad that one cannot trust all the reports of Jesuit activities. Instead of teaching the truth as it is in Jesus and the truth that we do know as fact, we see many who spend their time chasing every conspiracy theory that comes forth daily. The devil is pleased for it brings reproach upon the truth that we do know.

    Therefore, it is important that we attempt to verify such reports as we have here. Some do not have a burden to make sure what they report is truth, but pass it on as if it is at great expense to the truth when they are wrong. That does not glorify God.


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