Posted by: adventlife | June 14, 2012

What can we learn from Samuel Koranteng Pipim’s moral fall? By Nic Samojluk

After reading the many accounts of Pipim’s moral fall I believe that there are many spiritual lessons to be learned from this tragic event, but one stands out above the others: A hotel room is not a safe place for spiritual counseling of female students. What starts as spiritual can easily become physical.

Pipim wrote a very long document in his own defense. The church did believe that his confession was genuine and complete until strong evidence was produced about his involvement with another woman which prompted his pastor to cancel his rebaptism at the eleventh hour following his confession to this additional sexual misconduct.

What follows is the woman’s account of what transpired that fatidic Saturday evening at Pipim’ hotel room and Pipim’s self defense complemented by the church’s explanation for the sudden cancellation of his rebaptism which was originally scheduled for June 9, 2012. I am also including some of the comments posted by bloggers. Anybody interested in reading additional comments by readers should access the original source for said comments.

This renowned Adventist leader argues that his sin did not go beyo9nd adultery, but the circumstances seem to suggest that criminal activity was probably involved and that a statutory rape did take place. Some Adventists are of the opinion that the right place for Pipim is not a baptismal font, but rather jail time. The rights of a trusting young convert to Adventism have been violated for which there should be no excuse. Read Adventist Today’s report:

“Pipim Sexual Abuse Victim: The Story from a First-person Observer

Submitted: Jun 7, 2012

By Loren Seibold

A year ago Dr. Samuel Korangteng Pipim admitted to sexual misconduct while traveling in Africa. Dr. Pipim is well known as the author of a number of books against the ordination of women pastors in the Seventh-dayAdventistChurchand accusing some of the top theologians in the denomination of heresy in their interpretation of Scripture. He was an ordained minister and employed as director of campus ministry by the Michigan Conference. He resigned from denominational employment, turned in his ministerial credentials and ended his membership in the Church.

In subsequent months Dr. Pipim has endeavored to restore his reputation, even writing a book about his infidelity and starting a ministry of recovery. He has now asked to be rebaptized by the local church in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Though Dr. Pipim has received a lot of attention the victim, a young student from Africa, has been largely forgotten. Recently she consented to let her counselor, Jennifer Jill Schwirzer, speak on her behalf. She was interviewed by Adventist Today writer Loren Seibold.

Adventist Today: How did you get involved with Dr. Pipim’s victim?

Jennifer Jill Schwirzer: I’m a professional counselor licensed in the state of Pennsylvania, and I volunteer for a ministry that helps victims of clergy abuse called The Hope of Survivors (THOS). Nandipa (a pseudonym) contacted someone for help, who referred her to THOS, who then referred her to me. I’ve talked with her off and on for most of the past year.

AT: What can you tell us about Nandipa?

JJS: Let me first say this: I’ve been given Nandipa’s permission to share her story, but I do so with great reservation because of the danger of exposing her to blame. She was 20 years old at the time, a new convert, with no Adventist background and little support within the church, attending university. She’d had some experiences in her life that left her deeply vulnerable. Dr. Pipim had been invited there by a church young adults’ organization for a week of prayer. She was one of his contact people and hosts for the visit. She felt, and still feels, very vulnerable to this man of God who she so looked up to.

AT: How did the encounter happen?

JJS: Nandipa asked him for counsel regarding some scars from her life before meeting Jesus. He invited her to his hotel room. To Nandipa, he was an awesome, larger-than-life spiritual figure. Others were going to his room for counsel. It didn’t cross her mind that she should be afraid. So she innocently went into his “counseling office.” After talking awhile, he began to touch her. Nandipa wasn’t sure what the touches meant. She didn’t want to accuse a man of God of impropriety, yet he appeared noticeably aroused. That encounter ended when another counselee came. She left in a state of confusion.

He came to her later telling her to come to his hotel room again, that he wanted to give her a sermon on CD.

AT: Why did she go back?

JJS: I pray people will understand the psychology here. She’s a struggling girl. She’s kicking herself, thinking, “This is because I’m such a bad person. He’s a man of God. Maybe I’m imagining this.” When you’re new to the faith, young, and female, you don’t question someone like Dr. Samuel Pipim. He was a hero, especially in that part of the world. Plus she did take what she felt was a precaution: she rode to his hotel the second time with a Seventh-day Adventist chaplain, thinking that she’d get the sermon and she’d leave with the chaplain, as he was her ride. Instead, Pipim sent the chaplain away, saying he’d send her home in a cab. Essentially, he then violated her while she protested in tears. Before he sent her away he gave her $100 and some of his books.

AT: Would you call it rape?

JJS: Some don’t understand how, short of physical force, one can be a victim of rape. That attitude shows psychological, social, and spiritual naivete. Statistically it’s been shown that women often plead, cry, and try to reason with perpetrators of sexual crime, but they rarely scream and fight, even though their chance of escape increases when they do. There’s a power imbalance. She did what women in her situation typically do: she pled for him to stop. He didn’t.

Forcible rape uses physical strength. Power rape uses social and psychological strength. If Nandipa had had the psychological training and strength, she could have screamed, fought, and run. It was psychological overpowerment, plus her own lack of internal strength and social support, that kept her there.

AT: Dr. Pipim did eventually confess.

JJS: Here’s my understanding of the timing. The abuse occurred January 21 of last year. He didn’t confess until May 23. In between, Nandipa had gone to the Botswana conference brethren. They wanted proof. She taped a phone conversation with him that proved it. They took the matter to the division president, who called Pipim. Pipim then called Nandipa, telling her he would be confessing the matter.

He then called his conference, and confessed his version of the story. On the surface it seemed like an honorable act, but really he gave a very inaccurate confession. He said it was “the sin of a moment,” a “moral fall.” He gave no indication that it was abuse. But really, it had to be. When someone in power has sex with someone powerless, or nearly so, it’s always abuse. Abuse of the office and abuse of the person. That’s not to say there’s never any fault on the part of the victim. In Jesus’ parable to Simon the Pharisee, he presented the guilt ratio of perpetrator to victim of sexual abuse to be ten to one. (Luke 7:40-43)

AT: What was Nandipa’s relationship with Dr. Pipim afterwards?

JJS: She felt confused, bewildered. There’s something called a “betrayal bond,” where the victim shares a secret with the perpetrator. He tried to keep a relationship going in which he presented himself as her father. It was classic perpetrator behavior to try to keep her loyal to him. But she gradually broke free of that and sought help.

The spirit of this girl, her resilience, is quite touching. It took huge courage and faith to report it to the brethren. Fully 84 percent of rape never gets reported, mostly because victims fear bad treatment by authorities. Why shouldn’t they? They’ve already been mistreated by someone powerful. Especially in a religious context, a victim’s worst fear is that the loyalty to the perpetrator will outweigh any loyalty to them. And so often it proves true.

AT: You seem to question the sincerity of Dr. Pipim’s confession.

JJS: I would say it more strongly: From what I can see, his confession is utterly deceptive. First, as I mentioned before, the “moral fall” wasn’t consensual, it was abuse. He hasn’t confessed to abuse. He’s confessed to infidelity. It was much more than infidelity. Second he didn’t confess till he had to. Four months passed between the event and the “confession.” Third, he has continued to pursue influence. A truly repentant person would want to withdraw from public life for a time. But he seems unable to let go of his status. Sexual abuse is abuse of power. Power addiction leads people to the kind of thing Pipim did to Nandipa. It seems that to recover from this unhealthy use of power he’d need to abstain completely from it, at least for a few years. But no. He’s written two books and launched a whole new ministry. Without so much as a month break!

Some believe in restoration of fallen pastors, some don’t. But even the most lenient wouldn’t advise that a fallen pastor go immediately into a new ministry—what foolishness!

Those who have supported him in this premature rebuilding should take a step back and consider this: For infidelity alone, denominational policy says, “He/she must plan to devote his/her life to employment other than that of the gospel ministry, the teaching ministry, or denominational leadership.” (NAD Working Policy L 60 20, Steps in Discipline of Ministers with a Moral Fall)

AT: Someone may ask, why isn’t Nandipa speaking out herself, or at least letting you use her name, when Dr. Pipim is being exposed?

JJS: Because of ignorance of the psychological dynamics of power rape, people often blame the victim. In some circles, the woman is always at fault. Disclosure can be good for the victim, both because in so doing they help future victims, and because sharing one’s story can be healing. But great risks are also associated with disclosure. Specifically, those fond of Pipim are likely to see her as a troublemaker, “bringing down a man of God.”

There are certain traits that make a person more vulnerable to sexual abuse. Jesus spoke of them in Matthew 18, going so far as to suggest that those who lead ”little ones,” meaning vulnerable people—the young, the small, new converts—into sin, should suffer capital punishment! So, far from the victim’s weaknesses exonerating the perpetrator, they make him or her more guilty.

AT: How does Nandipa feel about Dr. Pipim’s actions since the confession, such as his writing a book and starting a new ministry?

JJS: She’s troubled by it, because like so many victims, she’s had to watch the perpetrator apparently prosper while she suffers with the consequences. It’s super hard to watch someone who’s deeply hurt you receive praise and support, while you’re forgotten. But she’s rightly trying to detach herself and go on with her life, and I must say, doing a good job of it. I believe she’ll pull through.

AT: Has the church been too quick to let Dr. Pipim move on in his ministry?

JJS: As I understand it, he was disfellowshipped, de-credentialed and de-ordained. In many cases there is far less appropriate discipline. On the other hand, he was hired shortly after his confession by a lay publishing ministry. He’s continued to do ministry in some situations. And he’s already been declared a candidate for rebaptism.

I think those who have supported him fall into two general categories. Number one, nice people who are touched by someone’s apparent honesty about a sin and who want to bestow grace upon him. Number two, people with a political bent who think that his sin was the result of a demonic attack, which came because he was a champion of certain causes. These believe he should be quickly restored so he can carry on his ministry of reform. I honestly can’t think of better way to open the floodgates to abuse than to lionize someone who committed such an indecent act. Heaven help us!

My role in this situation has been to advocate for the victim. I want people to hear her side of the story. I must do that without overexposing her, which is difficult. I’ve tried to walk that fine line. We’re told to, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:8-9. I don’t really know Sam Pipim, and have no desire to hurt him. My focus is Nandipa. I know I’ll probably be accused by some as being in cahoots with liberals. The truth is, I weigh in on the conservative side of the theological spectrum on most issues. So I am not really his enemy in every respect. I agree with him on some “conservative” issues. But I would like to see truth and justice prevail.”


Now listen to Pipim’s self defense which I have slightly abbreviated due to its extreme length.

 “An Answer To Everyone: A Response to False Accusations.”

“Inasmuch as my accusers have widely spread their material, I trust that my answer will also be shared with the members of this church or anyone else who needs to know. …

Perhaps you may be interested to know how I have fared during these twelve months. I have suffered reproach of friends and foes, misunderstanding, misrepresentation, slander, libel, intrigue, derision, ostracism, betrayals, and the wish by some that I would forever be banished away by God and man. On the other hand, I have gained new friendships, learned new truths, and been called to minister in my personal capacity in ways that were not possible before. …

Among other things, the document accuses me of dishonesty and falsehood in my stated reasons for resigning from church employment and in how I have conducted myself since. It specifically alleges that my sin was not simply a moral failure, but a criminal conduct. In fact, she accuses me of “rape” (four times in the document). It also alleges that, since my resignation, in my preaching and speaking “dozens of times in various countries,” I have been “promoting dangerous anti-biblical views,” or “new non-biblical teachings” etc. (see #15 and 16 of her document).

Let me state at the outset that I categorically reject as false these damning accusations. I am confident that at the appropriate forum I can forcefully challenge these malicious allegations. Unfortunately, these accusations (based on hearsays, half-truths, outright misrepresentation of facts) are circulated by a person who should know that one should not spread accusations that are slanderous and libelous. …

Moreover in accusing me of teaching false doctrines, they are basically saying I should not be baptized, since false teachings are grounds for discipline. Ultimately, stopping or delaying my baptism is one way they can force me out of ministry.

Based on these kinds of accusations, I have watched with dismay as hasty decisions have been made in certain quarters to either withdraw from circulation my published works—both books and audio and video resources—materials that had proved to be edifying to believers and unbelievers prior to my spiritual failure. It’s like throwing away the messages of Elijah on Mt Carmel (1 Kings 18) because of his subsequent failure in running away from God (1 Kings 19). Or like jettisoning Peter’s messages on the day of Pentecost and thereafter because of his momentary failure inGalatia(Galatians 2). And yet, such has been one of the casualties of the accusations. One can only wonder about the biblical justification for these actions.

This “pastor’s/administrator’s/professor’s wife of nearly 33 years” found it necessary to circulate her document to church board members and church members, but never found it biblically imperative to share it with me. What ought to be of concern to any serious Christian is that, although this individual wants readers to believe that she is “a friend of mine for more than 20 years,” she has NEVER at any time sat down with me to share those specific accusations—as the Bible clearly teaches we should do. In fact, I had for at least eight months been requesting to meet with her husband— her “pastor/administrator/professor … of nearly 33 years”—to acquaint me with my theological errors, all to no avail. Is that how any “friend of mine for more than 20 years” should conduct themselves? …

Here are the facts that I can confirm:

1. On the very last day of an overseas journey, I had a moral fall—a sexual encounter. Believing that we had repented and renounced the sin, I treated the matter as a private moral failure.

2. Four months later, I got to know that our sin had come to the knowledge of a handful of individuals. The very day that I got to know that the private sin had come to the knowledge of others, and as soon as I confirmed with the person with whom I had that encounter the circumstances leading to that, I decided to resign from my denominational employment. …

Thus, I have taken full ownership of my actions, leaving the other person to respond to the Spirit’s conviction on the matter. I will never blame her for what happened. Being the more mature person, I should have known better, and under no circumstance should I have been involved. …

My involvement in that immoral encounter, though not a criminal conduct, was a betrayal of trust. It should never have happened—whether overseas or any part of the world. …

Among other things, the moral failure on that overseas trip was falsely interpreted as a homosexual conduct, out-of-wedlock pregnancy, fathering a child outside marriage, child abuse, rape, attempted abortion gone wrong, etc. etc. The more outrageous the accusations, the more the purveyors seem to draw people to their causes, websites, or their own self-righteousness. …

These accusations of “false teaching/strange theology etc.” have been prompted by my sharing of important lessons I have learned from my personal failure through my book Six More Chances and two sermon series titled My Song in the Night and Take Heed [available online at:]. The sermon series are based on my forthcoming book titled The Wounded Eagle: Lessons from Failure—in which I warn about the dangers of temptation, the ugliness of sin, the pain of sin’s consequences, and the hope we have in Christ for his forgiving, transforming, and restorative grace.

NOTE: Some of my accusers have alleged that by using the title “The Wounded Eagle” I am implying that I am the “victim” in my moral failure. Nowhere will such a claim be found in the book or any messages I have shared. The fact is, over the years, in my ministry to young people and young professionals, I have employed the Eagle as a symbol of excellence—academic, professional, and spiritual. Thus, the eagle metaphor is employed to challenge all to live to their highest God-given potential and to soar above the “chicken” predicaments of the day. However, when, through our own misjudgments, attitudes, choices, and actions, we fall short of the “eagle” ideal, we become “wounded eagles.”) …

When I resigned in May and surrendered my ministerial credential, I understood that to mean that, unless the Lord clearly overrules my decision, I will not be in any denominational employment as a minister—even if offered the option). So, the ultimate goal of these accusations seems to be that, even after repentance and forgiveness, I should NEVER again do ANY ministry—not even as a lay person. My accusers don’t want to see me rise from my fall. …

Worse, whereas Christian decency led me to continue to safeguard the identity and integrity of the person with whom I had my moral fall, and whereas Christian responsibility compelled me to take full ownership of my sin, this organization shamelessly published her name and past failures, caring little about the damage they were inflicting upon a person who was already traumatized by our failure! I seriously doubt if they would do so if the person were not from an overseas country. I am personally outraged by the hypocrisy that masquerades as genuine “ministry.” …

The Bible cautions us not to “betray another person’s secret” (Prov 25:9). Besides, Christ’s instruction in Matthew 18 makes it clear that private sins should be kept private. In her commentary on Matthew 18 EGW wrote that “whatever the character of the offense” we must not violate Christ’s principles on private sins:”{

And now the reasons for ther cancellation of Pipim’[s rebaptism:

“Dear Ann Arbor Church Family; Nearly a year has passed since Dr. Samuel Pipim’s repentance and membership removal by this church for a moral fall. During that time, the Ann Arbor Leadership, Elders and I have worked carefully to nurture him through the rebuilding of his spiritual defenses. As a result, we had planned his baptism for this Sabbath afternoon, June 9, 2012.

On Thursday night June 7,2012, I received a call from a member of our church with a concern. For over two years he and his wife had information that implicated Dr. Pipim in another moral situation. For reasons, known to them, they did not share that information. Therefore it was unknown until Thursday evening, both to the Elders, myself and the Conference Leadership. On Thursday night, the member and I went to Dr. Pipim with the story.

Early Friday morning, June 8, I was notified by Dr. Pipim that the information was true. This brings great sorrow to our hearts. I called Pastor Gallimore, Conference President, this morning, Friday June 8, and shared with him the results of our visit. We both concurred that the baptism should not go forward given this new information. After that phone call I visited with Dr. Pipim this morning. He also agreed with us that the baptism should not take place.

While canceling this baptism brings grief, disappointment and ache to our minds and feelings, we are committed to the ministry of forgiveness and restoration. The Elders and Church Board will work through this latest situation with the hope of someday seeing everyone involved restored to the Savior and the church family. Thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement through this time.

While the enemy of souls rejoices over our sorrow, we have a sympathizing Savior who does not want one soul to perish. How grateful we all are to experience the costly forgiveness of our Savior. So as long as our High Priest, Christ Jesus, pleads for all of us, we are committed to do all we can to foster His ministry of reconciliation. In the Blessed Hope, Pastor Danny Velez, Pastor of theAnn ArborSeventh-dayAdventistChurch.”


Finally the comments of some bloggers:

“My wife and I both agreed when we first read his Faithful Unto Death seminar questions that this man had a fixation with sex and that we thought it was in reaction to issues in his own life. That is now confirmed. Jesus said, Whatever comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this is what makes a man unclean. I believe that goes for writing as well

George Tichy


Calling a female to a hotel room for “counseling” is certainly a clear sign of a very well elaborated PLAN to do something. Neither pastors or professional therapist see counselees in hotel rooms. Rapists do!



Stephen, I am not a psychologist but my husband is a pastor of over 20 years, and his rule has always been that he does not counsel a woman alone or even in most cases visit a woman member or Bible study interest alone. Not because of what he is scared he might do, but to protect the interests of both parties. He takes an elder, a deaconess or other female church member or myself.

Yvonne Stratton


For the “gentle” attacks on Nandipa posted on this blog – not believing her story, she should have “fought him off”. She should have reported it, etc. – I think she was wise to have someone represent her. Obviously she did report Pipim to church leaders and they demanded proof forcing her to interact with her abuser again.

Kendra Perry


There are transcripts of recorded phone conversations between the two of them in which they discuss what happened. He confesses and apologizes.


Kendra Perry


The transcripts are available on the web if you would like to read them.

Regardless of how she did or did not respond, the fact that they were in a counseling relationship makes a consensual relationship impossible. In fact, even if she initiated the sexual contact, the fact that he was counseling her means that it STILL would not be considered consensual. He took advantage of a situation in which there was unequal power.

Truth Seeker


“Those in positions of influence, who are doing damage to the devil’s kingdom, are the ones he works on the hardest. So it should be no surprise that there will be the occasional “victory” on his part. But I’m not throwing away his books. Must We Be Silent, Receiving the Word, & Here We Stand (which he edited) are some of my favorite books. His downfall does not diminish the truths contained in those works.”

Jean you are absolutely correct. Were David’s Psalms banned because he was involved in a sordid affair involving adultery and murder?

Truth Seeker


Between this blog and the Spectrum blog I can’t recall seeing such an outpouring of unhelpful, judgmental statements about a sinner for whom prayer should be the first expression. This is in no way condones the sinner.

I would like Schwirzer to explain how she was able to get a signature on a document to release info publicly from a person inAfrica. I have sympathy for a predator but the facts must be substantiated. If it is a “he says” and “she says” how can anyone who is fair-minded make an accurate judgment?

Stephen Ferguson


People might also like to know that under Botswanian law, an adult is 21 years old:

” age of majority” means when a person has attained the age of 21 years;

Regardless of the practical difficulties of charging and convicting Dr Pipim with rape, the fact is by his own admission he in effect had sex with a 20-year old, who under Botswanian law was still a child. Therefore, even assuming Dr Pipim’s defenders are correct, that Nandipa gave consent, can one of his defenders explain how one can continue to defend his actions, given he in effect had intercourse with a child, given a child’s consent is not relevant?

Kevin Riley


I don’t believe it changes the case much, but the age of consent inBotswanais 16. Should any case against Dr Pipim prodeed there, it would be a charge of rape, not child abuse. The age of majority and the age of consent differs in many countries. Whatever the case may be legally, I think we can all agree that however the offinse is labelled, that the church views it as a serious sin.

Edgar Drew spoke about his experience with central African teachers he met at Andrews who missed their easy access to young flesh. I only know what I read, that ministers and teachers routinely exploit sexually young women under their care all over sub-SaharanAfrica. Somebody with local knowledge responded on the original Pipim thread that that was certainly not what the majority did–hardly a reassuring statement. But this is not exclusively an African problem. It’s a well-known fact that a number of Christian celebrities–singers and evangelists especially–exploit their fame for sexual favors. I suspect that Pippim’s deviant behavior is far more rooted in his narcissism than in the cultural baggage he brought with him fromGhana. People like Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, Ted Haggard, Pippim–and John Edwards, all belong to a fraternity of male narcissists that perceive themselves as demigods who don’t have to answer to anybody but themselves.

According to a Focus on the Family survey of pastors some years ago, about 3 out of 10 admitted having a wrongful sexual relation with a woman at some point in their ministry. Obviously that is about 1/3, and the key word is “admitted.” Of course, the pastors surveyed were all denominations; whether the number corresponds to statistics in Adventist circles would be another question.

I bet the government inBotswanawould invite the LSU Chamber Choir but would not tolerate rape.

Quite the opposite from theMichiganConference…

The horror, the horror!

It seems that Pipim has insisted on fast-tracking his reinstatement as his money was running out.

If the church readmits Pipim and does not insist that he never markets any of his services (whatever they are) at young people again, it will be responsible when he re-offends. And without therapy, re-offend he will, sooner or later.

When I was a church member, the Catholic idea that you sin, then you confess, and then you sin again was often ridiculed. Seems this is another example that Adventism is a mirror image of Catholicism, complete with predatory clergy and cover-ups by supervising bishops. The only difference is that instead of confession we have re-baptism. Is there any biblical example of re-baptism, by the way?

Interesting article (…. It’s nice to see one reporter was able to get in contact with Pipim and get some feedback, and apparently the victim as well. Impressive indeed.

I can’t help but wonder if theAnnHarborChurchwill continue with its plans to rebaptize Pipim. I wonder if the conference is intervening. They come out loud and clear against La Sierra, but are virtually silent about this. Rape vs. evolution. Is it really that hard to understand the gravity? Get your priorities straight Elder Gallimore.

Pipim quoting himself on the “principle of majestic silence” is his way of “pleading the Fifth” – He’s refusing to answer any questions because the responses could provide self-incriminating evidence of the illegal act committed against this young woman!

How is this any better than the Catholic Church making excuses for their clergy when they are accused of raping young boys? Who is the Church really protecting? Let God be the judge and have the Church stay out of it – along with Pipim.

“Pipim writes on his website “… indeed, I revealed my sin to my wife 5
months after the incident–within 24 hours of the day I got to know that
it had become public knowledge (7-10 people). Why didn’t I tell her when
it happened? Based on my understanding of Scripture and EGW’s ‘Private
sins should be privately addressed.’ As far as I knew, our sin had been
repented of, confessed, and renounced. There was no need (definitely at
that time) to share that information with my wife.””


“I have watched with dismay as hasty decisions have been made in certain
quarters to either withdraw from circulation my published works…
It’s like throwing away the messages of Elijah. . “


  1. The man clearly has no sense of the seriousness of his sin, and the corollary is that, in spite of his teaching of perfection, He has no sense of the holiness of God.

    Thus it is clear that his teachings are not safe to follow. They are likely to be riddled with his erroneous views of God and His relationship to mankind.

    • Even is most of his teaching were kosher, readers would not know where the poison is hidden.

      Nic Samojluk

  2. God forgives both of them. he who is without sin should cast the first stone…. hypocrites…

    • Isaac,

      Thanks for your comments!

      I am not sure who you are labelling as hypocrites, though! Can you clarify?

      God bless!

      Nic Samojluk

  3. Isaiah 64:6
    All of us have become like one who is unclean,
    and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
    we all shrivel up like a leaf,
    and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

    When someone sins, the work of Satan is accusing the sinner, to destroy it, however the work of impeccable Jesus is forgiving and justifying, not after a year, but at the time of forgiveness.

    • My understanding is that the leaders of the church have evidence that Pastor Pipim was not spiritually ready for re-baptism, and much less for preaching and teaching.


  4. “It should not be regarded as a light thing to speak evil of others or to make ourselves judges of their motives or actions. “He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.” James 4:11. There is but one judge—He “who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts.” 1 Corinthians 4:5. And whoever takes it upon himself to judge and condemn his fellow men is usurping the prerogative of the Creator.”
    Patriarchs and Prophets, Page 386

    • What the Bible condemns is unfair criticism–not the just judgment by church members and much less by church appointed leaders. Read the following biblical statements:

      New International Version
      Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.” [John 7:24]

      New International Version
      Or do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? [1 Cor. 6:2]

      New Living Translation
      It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. [1 Cor. 5:12]


  5. When man punish someone can be very weak or very severe, but God is always right.

    God is a just judge, it never happens inadvertent the sin, and when it is committed by a church leader considered much worse than any of the people, and thus it is more severely punished, but the punishment is God’s work and not man’s work.

    “Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:1,2

    “ Past faithfulness will not atone for one wrong act. The greater the light and privileges granted to man, the greater is his responsibility, the more aggravated his failure, and the heavier his punishment.” Patriarchs and Prophets, Page 420

    God hates sin, but loves the sinner. Prayer, Page 276

    • Samuel,

      You probably did not read my response. Here it is again:

      What the Bible condemns is unfair criticism–not the just judgment by church members and much less by church appointed leaders. Read the following biblical statements:

      New International Version
      Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.” [John 7:24]

      New International Version
      Or do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? [1 Cor. 6:2]

      New Living Translation
      It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. [1 Cor. 5:12]


  6. I have for the past two days followed the story concerning Dr Pipim’s moral fall, especially so after notice of his rebaptism. I am happy thus far the manner in which he in particular has conducted himself in all these. But I have got one or two issues to raise for reflection especially for those who are so sons and daughters of God that they could prevent others (sinners) from receiving the father’s love again. For such they are behaving exactly like the elderly son of the story in Luke 15 (a biblical story about the Father’s love which has been infamously be twisted to be the story of the prodigal son). Whether his repentance is real or pseudo, is nobody’s business; its God’s to deal with. After all, in judgement, Ted Wilson (Ted only as an example as he is the current leader of the Lord’s sheep) will not be answerable for and on half of any Adventist. Judgement is in the hands of One who sits upon the throne….. On this I want to congratulate pastor Hall for defying all odds and risking to do exactly what Christ would have done ….as He did not turn anybody away from receiving the grace…..even Judas Iscariot, His heart bled for refusing to disregard the Holy Spirit’s voice.
    ‘Who are you to judge…………” is my question to everyone who has been pointing accusing finger. If your sins are not made known, does it make you a son/daughter of God than the other? its on the judgement day that every secret things shall be revealed (Ecl. 12:13-14) and like Paul said, every man’s work shall be exposed with fire.
    To Samuel, I congratulate him for the bold and humbling stem….I want to humbly advice you to look unto Jesus (and He alone), who is the author and finisher of our faith.

    Now on the big Issue:
    1. I am happy Pipim has decided not to give details….that also gives room for the so called counsellor of the girl in question to say all sort of fabrications as if she is the only one who as learnt psychology or law, deducing all kinds of rape possibility.

    2. Now if that girl had not been planted to bring Pipim down, so that the ‘owners of SDA in North America’ will have their way (in ordaining women and acknowledging same-sex marriage, which they know has no biblical basis whatsoever…), WHAT WAS THAT TAPE doing on her. If she was ‘unduly influenced’ by Sammy’s social stature, one would assume it would occur accidentally….But this, No! Planned and executed…with all armours and gadgets that could tape-record the conversation between them. You don’t need to be a psychologist to know this that some form of entrapment was HIGHLY involved. I am not surprising therefore that a mere homo sapiens like any of us, called into the matchless grace of our Lord Jesus Christ could prevent a fellow who ‘has fallen’ to rise. May the discerning mind judge…and the ultimate King who knows the intent of heart be the Supreme judge.

    3. Which ……………..person has been successful in US till the end? They will let you climb the 35 Storey Building….and then later ask you to take caution b’cos they need their ‘Ladder’ immediately: Mike Teckson, Luther King Jnr., Ali, Michael Jackson….and the List continues…. Sammy should have know better

    4. I hope to continue some day……let everyone of us hold onto our ‘stone’ , b’cos casting it hastily may lead into our own downfall. He who ‘thinks’, is firmly upstanding must take caution, lest he/she falls…

    • Agiekum,

      You have raised many issues I will skip and rather ask your opinion about the information contained in the following paragraph I copied from the article:

      “Pipim wrote a very long document in his own defense. The church did believe that his confession was genuine and complete until strong evidence was produced about his involvement with another woman which prompted his pastor to cancel his rebaptism at the eleventh hour following his confession to this additional sexual misconduct.”

      Do you think that hiding relevant facts connected with his sins was evidence he had experienced the true repentance the Bible talks about? Was it wrong for the pastor to cancel his re-baptism?


      • Hi Nic,

        I will be the last person to condone sinful act….But I am also fully aware that I am capable of falling, hence the daily dependent of the Lord’s grace, to both do and to will.

        Only God knows the heart and its content. Remember David….thinking we was fooling everybody, especially Uria, he fooled himself to the point of being murderous. But what did God do?……
        What did David do afterwards?…….

        What did the Lord do after David has cried…create in me a new heart….? These are the things that we are talking about

        “Not the fact that He is from Africa, and evidence suggests that that is what most Africans in authority do….” as I read in one of the pieces here in this website.

        God will not save a continent, neither a race,…He will save His obedient people who have washed their robe in the Lamb’s Blood.

        No one is immune to SIN! Its only the grace of God…….
        Lets keep reflecting….God bless us all.

      • Agyekum,

        When he submitted his resignation, he was instructed to temporarily place on hold the sale of his books and tapes in order to protect the church. As far as I remember, he ignored said directive. This leads me to question his repentance.


    • Hello Children of the Merciful and Just living God,
      I promised to continue, and I want to use my break time to do just that.

      Call it a reflection of Life or A deeper meaning of God’s Grace….or whatever;

      1. Assuming without even admitting that Dr Pipim deliberately planned and executed the sexual scandal, does that prevent him from reaching out to God’s unfailing grace? I was saddened by Spectrum’s report indicating that the servant of God, Pastor Hall was frustration that there were “a lot of people upset with me” because of his decision to re-baptize Pipim”. Maybe some of you are among those upset with the servant of God, who has been called to do just what he did for a sinner like Pipim.
      But upon deep reflection, I quickly recalled the story in Zechariah Chpt. 3, one of the beautiful grace stories in the OT. Who was this Joshua..who is being prevented from God’s grace by who?….The Devil himself! My humble submission is that anyone who prevents others from receiving the free grace of God becomes the Devil’s agent for the following reasons:

      a) By doing so, Christ death becomes meaningless….Rev 7:14…God knew that the Robe of Salvation (Isaiah) and of Righteousness could be soiled by the believer to look like a filthy rag (after all, that is how our so called righteousness is like before the Holy God), and so He made the POOL full of the LAMB’s BLOOD. The humble will wash their soiled robes and make them white (Rev. 7:14 b).

      b) Jesus is our High Priest and His name is Joshua (Jesus), and as in Matt 1:21, He delivers His people from the bondage of sin, His pure garments soils up with the sinner’s sinful deeds in the process of doing this. Figuratively, the Devil was saying that Josua the High priest has carried the sins of all of us including Pipim…and therefore does not fit to be in the presence of God. That is the ugly part of the grace of God which Christ had to endure for the sake of people like Pipim, you and me.

      c) Thank God, the Angel of the Lord was there for the sinner….and because this was an attack of Christ Messianic mission…see how the devil was rebuked… “And the LORD said unto Satan, The LORD rebuke thee, O Satan; even the LORD that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire?” May be the Lord has plucked Pipim out of fire and Pastor Hall understood this diving mission.

      d) The Soiled garment replaced: The part I love most is when God replaced the soiled filthy garment with His own righteousness….Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment. Zech. 3:4 .

      WHO ARE WE then, to prevent the Lord to replace a sinner’s filthy garment? Only Satan attempted to do just that……I hope and pray you are not one of His agents.

      e) STERN WARNING FOR THE SINNER: As a loving gentle Saviour, the same manner He cautioned the woman who was accused of adultery, the same GO and SIN NO MORE is offered to JOSHUA-may be PIPIM…..we read in ZEc 3: 7 “Thus saith the LORD of hosts; If thou wilt walk in my ways, and if thou wilt keep my charge, then thou shalt also judge my house, and shalt also keep my courts, and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by”….

      WHEN the SINNER genuinely repents and humbly accepts the ROBE that Christ alone offers….and keeps that Garment clean via daily washed in the BLOOD of the LAMB, the Lord has promised………”and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by…the redeemed/saints…or holy beings. New crown, and new robe He offers free.

      My prayer to very one is that as we demonise PIPIM to the extent that we are even becoming so scandalous (don’t read his books, his message are filthy…..) etc. forgetting the logs that prevents us from seeing the CHRIST way, perhaps as Pr, Hall and the Elders from An Arbor Church saw…..The Saviour advices us to buy from him an eye salve, so we can see and understand HIS MATCHLESS GRACE…..

      Will continue from here…….May the peace of God that surpasses all human understanding abide with us all as we REFLECT on HIS grace.

      • Agyekum,

        This reminds me of evangelist Gimmy Swagard. Before his fall, I used to occasionally watch his program, and I did on one occasion send a donation his way. When he repented, he kept asking me for additional financial contributions. When he realized that I failed to respond, he sent me a letter with the following argument: “The fact that you are no longer supporting my program is an indication that you have not forgiven forgiven me, which is unchristian.”

        This is not God’s way of re-establishing trust.


  7. The work of a true leader is to save not condemn.

    All were created in His image, and even the most degraded are to be treated with respect and tenderness. God will hold us accountable for even a word spoken in contempt of one soul for whom Christ laid down His life.
    Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, Page 57

    The merciful are “partakers of the divine nature,” and in them the compassionate love of God finds expression. All whose hearts are in sympathy with the heart of Infinite Love will seek to reclaim and not to condemn. Christ dwelling in the soul is a spring that never runs dry. Where He abides, there will be an overflowing of beneficence.
    Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, Page 22

    Jesús christ take the following attitude towards the repentant sinner.
    He says, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden.” Matthew 11:28. He bids you exchange your poverty for the riches of His grace. We are not worthy of God’s love, but Christ, our surety, is worthy, and is abundantly able to save all who shall come unto Him. Whatever may have been your past experience, however discouraging your present circumstances, if you will come to Jesus just as you are, weak, helpless, and despairing, our compassionate Saviour will meet you a great way off, and will throw about you His arms of love and His robe of righteousness. He presents us to the Father clothed in the white raiment of His own character. He pleads before God in our behalf, saying: I have taken the sinner’s place. Look not upon this wayward child, but look on Me. Does Satan plead loudly against our souls, accusing of sin, and claiming us as his prey, the blood of Christ pleads with greater power.
    Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, Page 9

    Oh glory to the infinite love. Take advantage of this saving love now.

    • Samuel,

      What the Bible condemns is unfair criticism–not the just judgment by church members and much less by church appointed leaders. Read the following biblical statements:

      New International Version
      Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.” [John 7:24]

      New International Version
      Or do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? [1 Cor. 6:2]

      New Living Translation
      It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. [1 Cor. 5:12]

  8. God bless all the people on this forum and help us to be ready and sinless before the end of probation.

    God’s prophet says:

    Not until you feel that you could sacrifice your own self-dignity, and even lay down your life in order to save an erring brother, have you cast the beam out of your own eye so that you are prepared to help your brother. Then you can approach him and touch his heart. No one has ever been reclaimed from a wrong position by censure and reproach; but many have thus been driven from Christ and led to seal their hearts against conviction. A tender spirit, a gentle, winning deportment, may save the erring and hide a multitude of sins. The revelation of Christ in your own character will have a transforming power upon all with whom you come in contact. Let Christ be daily made manifest in you, and He will reveal through you the creative energy of His word—a gentle, persuasive, yet mighty influence to re-create other souls in the beauty of the Lord our God.

    Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, Page 128 and 129

    • Samuel,

      I fully agree with the Ellen White comments you cited. Nevertheless, I would like to suggest that it is the duty of the one baptizing to decide whether the person requesting said rite is ready for it. This is what John the Baptist did when he refused to baptize certain individuals:

      New International Version
      John said to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? [Luke 3:7]


  9. David confessed after being confronted by Nathan-after almost a year.


    • Yes, we have a merciful and gracious Lord!

  10. Interesting that none of the defenders of Dr Pipim seem the least concerned about the spiritual welfare of his victim. But perhaps that is not surprising seeing that he set the example of being most concerned about his *own* reputation, even though he professed concern for protecting the victim’s identity.
    Rather than acknowledging that his position of power over the woman made it impossible for the relationship to be consensual, he does not once acknowledge having raped the woman but calls it “our” sin. In other words, he not once accepts full responsibility. That is not repentance. This hasn’t changed since this blog post was first published.

    • Thanks for your wise comments. I fully agree with you opinion.

  11. Pipim was rebaptized on June 26, 2014, in a ceremony that was not publicized ahead of time and attended only by select invited persons. Nothing had changed by that time. He had not confessed to what he had actually done to the victim described here nor to any of the other victims of his “ministry.”

    • We need to pray for him and his victims.

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