
Adventist Health

The Long Journey Towards the Eradication of Abortion in Adventism

The dream and prayer of all pro-life Adventists is that God will produce a revival and reformation among his chosen people and that his Holy Spirit will lead the Adventist Church out of the abortion business.

This may sound like a utopic dream, but for the Lord nothing is impossible. What follows is a summary of the main events connected with the Adventist Church involvement with the abortion business and the growing effort by those Adventists who believe in the dignity of human life and who are eager to move towards such a lofty goal.

This report is the result of countless number of hours by a large number of Adventists who love the church and who are also concerned about the suffering of the victims of this modern genocide, including the women affected by it. …

More: https://adventlife.wordpress.com/2013/12/20/the-long-journey-towards-the-eradication-of-abortion-in-adventism-by-nic-samojluk/


A Pro-life Adventist Hero

 While we consider the current attitude of Seventh-day Adventists towards abortion and the sacredness of human life, it might be helpful to paint a picture of SDA’s attitude towards the sanctity of human life a few decades before the U.S. Supreme Court removed the legal protection from the unborn and legalized the practice of abortion. It is the story of a SDA soldier who was drafted for military service during World War II and encountered an incredible amount of pressure from his military commanders to carry a gun at least for self defense, but who refused to do so due to his respect for the sacredness of human life. He risked opposition, ridicule, abuse, and the threat of military court martial, and became a national hero in spite of it all. More: ===>


What Did Our Adventist Pioneers Say About Abortion?

It is common knowledge that our AdventistChurch’s position about abortion is definitely Pro-choice/Pro-abortion. If you are in doubt, all you have to do is to read our “Guidelines on Abortion” document, which was approved back in 1992. So a reasonable question would be: Did our Adventist pioneers share the current Adventist position on abortion or were they, perhaps, Pro-life? Did Ellen White ever say anything about the sanctity of human life, or was she silent as some of our ethicists and theologian have suggested? More: ===>


What I Learned About Abortion & my SDA Church

Some of you may already know that the topic of my doctoral dissertation in religion was From Pro-life to Pro-choice: The Dramatic Shift in Seventh-day Adventists Attitudes Towards Abortion. The following is a summary of the most important discoveries I made after carefully reviewing the Adventist literature dealing with this topic. Some of these things may surprise you, but they reflect what Adventists have published in our own books and periodicals. One of the major sources of information came from magazines such as “Ministry” and “Spectrum.”  More: ===>


Adventist Pioneers & their Views

In spite of the fact that abortion was illegal at the time, and that such practice was not widespread as it is nowadays; the early Adventist pioneers denounced the practice of abortion in the strongest terms; James White, the founder of the Adventist publishing work, edited and published a book which included a clear and unambiguous condemnation of abortion; other SDA pioneers did the same, and Ellen G. White, who played a prominent role in the development and growth of Adventism, described the husbands’ neglect of a pregnant wife’s health as bordering with the murder of the unborn baby. From this statement by Mrs. White, we can safely conclude that she had no sympathy toward the killing of the unborn. More: ===>


Was Ellen White Silent on Abortion?

Was Ellen White Silent on Abortion? When the controversy over abortion was still alive among Adventists inNorth America, one of the seemingly strong arguments used by those who were defending the women’s right to choose to kill their unwanted unborn babies was the claim that Ellen White was silent on this issue.

This allegation intrigued me and I decided to do some investigation of my own. I went to references to abortion found in Ellen White’s writings. I found not a single reference. I was ready to give up, but then it occurred to me that perhaps she used some other word or phrase for the killing of the unborn. After several attempts I decided to try the term “murder” and I hit gold. Here is what she stated about the murder of unborn babies: More: ===> 


The Day “Ministry” Magaxine Went Silent on Abortion

Between 1971 and 1996 I counted 95 Readers’ comments and articles dealing with abortion in the pages of our “Ministry” magazine. The readers’ interest in this controversial issue was so great that on July 1988 David Newman wrote the following:

“Our articles on abortion have touched a sensitive nerve. We are receiving more email on this subject than on any other recently published article. The letters are running 10 to 1 in favor of the church adopting a stricter standard.”Then suddenly, a few years following the publication of our current Adventist “Guidelines on Abortion” a long silence ensued on the pages of this periodical. More: ===>



  1. Life Centers to “Abort Abortion”. See: http://njkproject.blogspot.ca/2012/04/aborting-abortion.html
    God Bless!

    • I would like to post the concluding remarks listed in this long article:


      So, all in all, while the actual saving of infants from abortion will tangibly require much more than words and admonishment, these tangible requirements are quite feasible in terms of available resources human resources, material and living space. So it is really just a matter of having the will to do so and, as the saying goes, ‘putting one’s money where there mouth is.’ In the end action will always speak and do much more than words.

      …And to, pertinently enough here, at this point put this project into initiating, feasible perspective, if only the ca. 46% in North America alone who adamantly variously state/express that they are against abortion would: “put their money where their mouth is”, these ca. 158 million people alone could easily fund the first few years of the entire (i.e., global) initial annual disbursement which will buy these infants from abortion as that total, using updated figures, (cf. the calculations on this page), works out to: ca. $266 per such (capita) supporters per year, which is merely $22 per month. Surely North Americans with such Christian convictions can afford to “somehow” make a present ca. $5 per week savings in their weekly budget to initially fund this life saving work!!”

      And I would like to add that when the Lord forbids the killing of innocent human beings, we need to rely on God’s ability to supply for our needs.

  2. […] A Pro-life Adventist Hero What Did Our […]

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